Justice is blind every time

The legal game is only available to those who have the means to hire whatever type of lawyer is available, not only to your purse, but also hiring one that has the ability to play the courts structures, right location, right judge with morals or not, without regards.

The judicial system is fabricated by many means from the bottom of the case up to the supreme courts, in the United States, federal or state. See, it has to be manufactured with rules, precedent cases, and in some cases, witnesses, evidence to arrive to a decision, right or wrong, it does not matter anymore. In reality, rightness or wrongfulness have too many definitions or interpretations.

Humanity has come to disregard what politicians’ mockery has constituted as life with the purpose of evolving. Again, words can be defined or interpreted in as many ways one necessitates to justify one’s belief. Evolutions for some are about race, for others as a way of thinking, as to some, having no meaning whatsoever.

All one can be is a spectator of the tragic comedy of society.

But what history is marking today is that inside the sac of misery of fairness treatment to all, it is to find a judge with the balls to sentence an individual who has shown disrespect for society’s rules to make them his own.

To me the most important fact of this culpability’s sentencing today is not to whom is given, but who is giving it: a judge with balls.

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