Petro, what you think who you are is not how many can define you
Petro, what you think who you are is not how many can define you
One time in your life you realized that by weapons you could not conquer what your dreams were then and turned to politics looking for a place in world history. Your recent confrontation with Trump ended up with your tail between your legs shrinking your balls to a manner of disappearance. The only way to deal with a bully is by confrontation. Do it!
Society is transforming and showing a reality that never before was so visible: we tend to be malign, a characteristic of all living creatures, so we must apply it properly.
The time is now when all around is a world of conflicts where genocides such as the Palestinian case continuing so unashamedly in front of an impavid society becoming so normal because news networks have stopped or reduced considerably publishing the miserableness of Benjamin Netanyahu, not the Israeli people. The only network continuing to disseminate his cruelty is Al Jazeera, an Arabic word meaning the island or the peninsula, which to me could easily be translated to the meaning of uniqueness, or only one.
Netanyahu, Putin, Trump, and so many small characteristically denominated tyrants, are the product of egotistical corrupted mentalities. Xi, from China, is the vulture waiting for all to finish to attack the leftover carrion devouring the remaining humanity. It has not happened yet but be alert to his devouring behaviors.
You, Petro, are a minuscule delusionist of grandeurs who understood that to win a site in history was not with weapons but politics. It is now the time to show more notoriety by legalizing drugs in Colombia.
What you think who you are is not how many can define you.
And in this time of threats of imposing or augmenting tariffs by the schizophrenic Trump, is when legalizing drugs becomes more realistic. First, it would be an economic war, second, forming alliances with Canada, Mexico, and China, and last, leaders of many Latin-American countries would follow this confrontation with the “irreality show protagonist.”
It will be short, it will prevail, and the chances of eliminating the underground so-called black market or the unification with the so-called legitimate enterprising could be the next evolution that we could experience since 1930 when trading off-side began.
Nor economists, politicians, philosophers, or observers of society can understand the imposition of tariffs because the sufferers will be the common people, including the Christianity who elected him to distort society to a past time lived at a time when progression was transforming.
Alcohol, cigarettes, amphetamines, and many others are government-regulated, and the users or abusers have no condemnation. Some discipline its usage, others abuse it, but all with the ramifications of government control; in other words, it is a constituted industry as many others situated in the regular economies.
Why not do it with cocaine, marijuana, and any other processed natural substance disseminated among humanity? After all, it is a choice, and the vast majority decide not to use it.
Stop using religion as a reason to disapprove of legalizing drugs in a double-faced society. On the contrary, it will be a transformation or solidification of two internal conflicts between good and bad to a moment of human evolution.
By the way, if you need to deport citizens of the United States (I will never use the word Americans because is incorrect) commence with the militaries residing in Colombia under different pretenses and then end with the depraved ones living in Medellín. Petro, confront the orange gorilla, legalize drugs, and man, wear your balls!
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